Tag: tutorial

#89 Heretics Alchemy Tutorial 3 – Calcination

Hollins Mine and Bank Top iron calcining kilns (https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1018982)

We continue our Heretics Alchemy Tutorial by taking a look at the first phase of the Great Work, Calcination. What is Calcination? What is its practical application in chemistry, martial arts and business? These topics and more in this episode.

#88 Heretics Alchemy Tutorial 2 – The Emerald Tablet

We begin our new Heretics Alchemy Tutorial in earnest with an exploration of the Emerald Tablet, the foundational document of Alchemy. We cover concepts such as The Language of the Birds, the Seven Metals, the triumvirate of Sulphur, Mercury and Salt, the alchemical origins of the term gibberish, as well as many others. Use this unit of the tutorial to get a good understanding of basic alchemical terminology and concepts.

Categories: Hermeticism

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