Tag: kublai khan

#28 Kublai and Mongke (Kublai Khan part 2)

Möngke Khan. 4th Khagan of the Mongol Empire
(Supreme Khan of the Mongols) King of Kings
By Unknown – http://old.news.mn/r/276459, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=72784270

In this episode we examine how Kublai and his older brother Mongke built the Mongol Empire to the point where it was ready to do what the Jin Empire hadn’t been able to – overthrow the Song Dynasty.

Podcast link.

Listen to “#28 Kublai and Mongke (Kublai Khan part 2)” on Spreaker.

#26 The Nestorian Christian Heresy and the Women who ran the Mongol Empire (Kublai Khan pt. 1)

Tului With Queen Sorgaqtani. Rashid al-Din – Rashid al-Din, “Djami al-Tawarikh”, 14th century. Reproduction in Genghis Khan et l’Empire Mongol by Jean-Paul Roux, collection “Découvertes Gallimard” (nº 422), série Histoire.

Two powerful women, one a christian of the Nestorian Heresy, ran the Mongol Empire in the years before Kublai and his elder brother Mongke became Great Khans.

Podcast link.

Listen to “#26 The Nestorian Christian Heresy and the Women who ran the Mongol Empire (Kublai Khan pt. 1)” on Spreaker.