Author: Graham Barlow

#39 – Pana-Wave


In this episode we delve into the convoluted and unusual world of the Shinshukyo, which are often mistranslated as “Japanese New Religions”. Pana-Wave is one of the Shinshukyo that illustrates very well both the instinctive feeling that people have for loss-of-Nature and also what the Miasma can do to the responses they come up with.

Listen to “#39 – Pana-Wave” on Spreaker.

#37 XingYi Part 9

General Zhang Jun (left). From The “Four Generals of Zhongxing” painted by Liu Songnian during the Southern Song Dynasty.
In this episode we discuss the role of General Zhang Jun in the survival of Yue Fei’s tradition, as well as in the survival of members of Yue Fei’s extended family. We also discuss how Zhang Jun managed to protect himself from the purges carried out by Qin Hui.


#36 Heraclitus (Part A and Part B)


In this episode we explore Heraclitus, an ancient Greek who was more Chinese than the Chinese. There are not just parallels between this remarkable man’s essential worldview and ancient Daoism – more than that, he was more fundamentally Daoist in outlook than are many contemporary Daoists today.

Listen to “#36 Heraclitus (Part A and Part B)” on Spreaker.

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#35 Thales and the Milesian School

We head at last to Ancient Greece, and look at the attempts of Thales to challenge the miasma of his time.
We also discuss how he agreed with (or perhaps even originated the ideas of) Genesis in a way that modern Christians generally don’t.

Listen to “#34 The Heretics Bible: Genesis 3” on Spreaker.

#33 Dead Sea Scrolls

(Image of the cave where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in Qumran, via BBC.)

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls revealed that Jesus and Christianity were much less unique developments than previously thought. In this episode we start to explore these ancient documents and what they can tell us about the origins of both Christianity and Judaism.

Listen to “#33 Dead Sea Scrolls” on Spreaker.